For some, the thought of just getting through the day causes anxiety.
Mood and anxiety disorders are the leading type of mental illness in Canada. In fact, anxiety and depression are the most common issues that people see us for.
Anxiety and depression can be debilitating to both sufferers and those close to them. Sufferers may find it hinders their career, relationships and overall quality of life. The longer that one struggles with mental illness, the more hopeless and powerless they may feel in overcoming it.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 300 million people globally struggle with anxiety or depression and studies are indicating that those numbers are increasing steadily. An unstable global economy, the inability to unplug from technology and uncertainty about the future have all been named as possible reasons that many of us are increasingly struggling with depression and anxiety.
Acupuncture can help you can feel like yourself again.
Whereas medication can be a bandaid for your symptoms, acupuncture addresses the underlying causes of mental and emotional distress. It is a WHO recognized method for increasing energy and mental clarity and feeling in control of your life again.
What do we treat?
We specialize in treating:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Insomnia
- Addiction
What Causes Anxiety and Depression?
Mental health concerns can be caused by several factors, including the following:
- Genetics or family conditioning
- Environmental stressors (climate change, career, money, politics, 24-hour news that sensationalizes negative stories)
- Major life changes (divorce, unemployment, loss of a loved one)
- Living alone or in isolation from community
- Chemicals (phthalates and bisphenol-A are used in the production of plastics and have been linked to anxiety)
- Social media usage or a feeling like one can’t unplug from technology (can lead to unhealthy comparison to others and feelings of loneliness and not being enough)
How Can Acupuncture Treat Mental and Emotional Health?
A 2013 study at Georgetown University found that acupuncture has a large effect on reducing anxiety and depression. In fact, participants receiving acupuncture had over twice the reduction of symptoms in comparison to those who only received conventional treatment. In 2017, a study at the University of York found that acupuncture significantly reduced the severity of depression and that the benefits lasted up to 12 months after treatment.
Ladan Eshkevari, a researcher at Georgetown University, studied the effects of acupuncture in treating anxiety. She claims that acupuncture slows the body’s production of stress hormones and allows the body to naturally regulate its chemical balance. According to Eshkevari, acupuncture can prevent people from requiring medication at all.
Come in and let’s talk.
Come in for a free 15 minute introduction to our services. Or, if you’re ready to start, simply book your initial consultation. Phone 250-421-8280, or book online: