Wisdom from Tibetan Medicine: The Three Poisons and Their Antidotes
This month’s installment of ‘healing from the inside out’ looks at wisdom from Tibetan Medicine. This medical philosophy, founded on Buddhist analysis of consciousness, believes that health is intricately linked to our state of mind, among other factors.
According to Tibetan medicine, there are three ‘poisons’ or unskillful states of mind that are the root of many illnesses. To some, this may feel like a gloomy perspective. So, what is the upside to this theory?
It’s that simply knowing and recognizing these ‘poisons’ is the key to treating them.
Watch the video below to see how you can recognize these poisons in your life and grow them into a sense of wellbeing and joy.
Watch the Video: Tibetan Medicine Wisdom
Cara Conroy-Low is a registered acupuncturist in Cranbrook BC and a residential member of Clear Sky Meditation Centre in BC Canada.
Did you enjoy this introduction to the foundations of health from the Tibetan Buddhist Medicine perspective? Here is some recommended reading: Tibetan Buddhist Medicine & Psychiatry: Diamond Healing, by Terry Clifford.
"Though difficulties in our life don’t go away, freedom gives us the ability to laugh through them, and still enjoy the journey. No matter what, freedom is always available to us: it resides in our own minds and hearts."
Doug Duncan and Catherine Pawasarat
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